Canopy Tree Service trims and removes trees in San Antonio, TX. This work is performed under the direction of a certified arborist. Why is this important? Certified arborists improve the health and beauty of trees. They also deliver safer tree removal results than untrained trimmers.
Loyal Customer Base
Most of the 8,000+ customers who have worked with Canopy Tree Service live within about 30 miles of San Antonio. Canopy Tree Service has attracted a loyal customer base during its 25 years in service. To help you navigate this web site, here is an overview of what you will find in this section.
Outline of Arborist Section
In this section, you will find information on the importance of using a certified arborist. Certified Arborists deliver more consistent and better tree trimming and removal results than untrained trimmers. Also, you will find links to our customer reviews. Just below that is a free tree estimate form. Certified arborists possess experience, education, and will have passed a test. The International Society of Arborculture certifies arborists.
Arborists Certification—here you will find information on the value of selecting an arborist over someone without those credentials. Also, you will learn about two improper tree trimming techniques . Incorrect trimming may reduce your trees appearance and value.

Contact Information Page—here you will find our virtual business card, QR code, social networking links and more.
Tree Care Reviews—read reviews from local customers like yourself.
Free Tree Care Estimate—as a reputable tree care company, we would not feel right bidding the job over the phone. Consequently, we simply have to see the trees. That way, we can judge height and location of overhead power lines, property boundaries, soil and other factors. We enjoy meeting the customer during an estimate but can provide an estimate without the customer being present if more convenient. We like dogs and used to working around friendly backyard dogs. Naturally, we are sensitive to the need to secure all backyard gates at all times when a dog is present.
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