Shane Kelly, owner of Canopy Tree Service, is actively involved in the community of tree and land care service providers. With over 17 years experience in the local San Antonio area Shane prides himself on keeping up to date with continuing education, and attendance of events that uphold his work ethic.
Mustang Tree Service Community Event

Service providers from different areas come together to watch the presentations
Earlier this year Mustang Equipment in San Antonio held a special event for arborists and tree care service companies. Vendors were ready with both landscaping and arborist equipment, e.g. a range of chainsaws for tree trimming and tree pruning. In a warehouse nearby, educational presentations on changes in equipment use and safety were held free to the public. Because Shane has been in the tree care service industry for so many years, he has developed a variety of working relationships with other businesses, and their owners. He browses and chats with the vendors about equipment he might use for tree trimming and removal before joining the audience for the next presentation.
David Bogue of C-3 Environmental Specialties joins Shane during a presentation break, and shares his experience working with Canopy Tree Service. The team has followed David on a few jobs to do what he calls the “fine tuning” after larger scale tree removals, and major overhauls of land that are first completed by David’s crew. It is a team effort that David speaks positively about, and goes on to share why he has had such a good experience with Canopy Tree Service. Shane has “good hired hands,” they pay attention to detail, and overall “make the City of San Antonio Officials happy.” He ends by adding that he notices Shane receives a lot of call backs with interest, and return customers. After David’s interview he turns to Shane to continue their conversation. They discuss a range of topics about working in the community.
Moving around the event it is clear David is not the only person who has made a working connection with Shane. Mia Mallwood, an employee of Mustang Equipment, kindly shares her experience having Shane as a regular customer. Observing her on the floor you can tell she is used to proving service in a busy environment where the equipment needs range from person to person. This can put her in a stressful position if she is attending to multiple customers at once. Mia takes time out to give feedback on her interactions with Shane: “Shane is one of my customers here at Mustang Equipment. I have known him for almost three years now. Shane has always been pleasant when he comes in the store. He talks and jokes around with us, and he has always had a great personality.”